Superintendent John Coviello

Interim Superintendent
Superintendent's Message
Dear Falcon Family, 
Here is what’s happening at MRHS, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter (X), and Instagram
A digital newsletter with links to school publications, programs, alumni interviews, curriculum info, good news, and more. 
Campus Transformation Continues!
Progress Update- Many of the high elements are being installed next to Falcon Drive and indoor elements
are being installed in the gym at this time!
📢 Attendance Matters! - DID YOU KNOW…Attending high school is important for students because it provides a
foundation for further education and employment by equipping them with academic knowledge, critical life skills like
communication and problem-solving, and the ability to manage time and responsibilities, which are crucial for success in
college and the workforce; it also allows students to explore interests, develop social skills, and mature as individuals
before entering adulthood.
Mark Your School and Sports Calendars: 

● 02/10/25- PTSA Meeting- 7:00pm- Innovation Center
● 02/13/25- BOE Meeting- 7:00pm- Innovation Center
● 02/17/25- School Closed- Presidents’ Day
Falcon Focus: 
Congratulations to MRHS Wrestling for becoming League Champions for the first time in over 40 years!
● MRHS celebrates Black History Month (February)!
● MRHS supports National Cancer Prevention and Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month (February)!
Need Support in any way in English or Spanish? Contact the MRHS Family Liaison, Ms. Flordaliza
Rodriguez at [email protected] or call 973-389-2835

John Coviello
Manchester Regional High School

Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow

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