Board of Education » Board Member Bio - Mohamad Daghstani

Board Member Bio - Mohamad Daghstani

Mohamad Dagastani

Mohamad Dagastani

Mohamad Daghstani was elected to the Board of Education in 2022 becoming the first Syrian Muslim American to serve on the MRHS Board of Education. Daghstani is a life long resident of the Borough of Prospect Park and enjoys serving the public.
Daghstani is a graduate of William Paterson University and serves the residents of Prospect Park not only on the Board of Education, but also as a Police Officer. In addition to serving in Law Enforcement, Daghstani also serves as Deputy OEM Coordinator for the Borough and has also served as the Recreation Director for the Borough of Prospect Park.

 In 2024, Mohamad was selected to serve as the vice president of the Board also becoming the 1st Muslim American to hold such rank on the MRHS Board of Education. Mohamad's goal is to always ensure the safety and the security of our students while ensuring that our educators recieve the proper tools in order to prepare our children to even greater heights. Mohamad believes in making a difference not only in his life but in the lives of others through his Law Enforcement career and within his capacity as a Board Member. Our Children are our priority as we shape them to becoming our future leaders of tomorrow.