MRHS appreciates the members of the Board of Education! Our next Board of Education Spotlight during School Board Recognition/Appreciation Month falls on Jeffrey Fischer from Haledon. Mr. Fischer is a long time resident of Haledon and has been an active Board of Education Trustee for over fifty years between his service to HPSD and PC MRHSD. Jeff is a lifelong learner and consummate public servant. He has served the community of Haledon faithfully with his family for decades while also giving back as a Scout Leader among many other leadership roles. He has held an endless list of volunteer roles throughout the years and brings a wealth of institutional knowledge to the PC MRHSD Board of Education. Through the years, Mr. Fischer has also served as the President of the New Jersey School Boards Association (elected to that post at only 26 years of age). Being a Board Member is an unpaid work of heart. We appreciate you and we thank you for your service!