Haldeon Junior Police Academy - Now accepting applications!

Good afternoon, Falcon Family,
As a reminder, the Haledon Police Department is now accepting applications for the Junior Police Academy for Summer, 2023!  It is open to all MRHS students from any sending community and Haledon residents within a certain age range.  Please see the message below from SRO Omar Zadeh as well as the attachments to this email for the application for the Junior Police Academy and the "How to Become a Police Officer Guide" that was written by our very own SRO Omar Zadeh as a resource for our youth and residents to learn more about this exciting occupation.
Haledon Police Department is now accepting applications for the Junior Police Academy, with one of the instructors being our very own, School Resource Officer Omar Zadeh! The academy will begin on July 10th and end on July 14th. Applications must be in by Thursday June 15th, 2023. The academy will be held here at Manchester Regional High School. Students will experience the police academy format and observe the many duties and responsibilities that a career in law enforcement entails. The five-day curriculum will include presentations from guest law enforcement agencies, hands-on practices, and physical exercises. An overview of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is also included. The daily schedule will be 8:30 A.M. – 2:30 P.M.
Hand in applications to Officer Zadeh or at the Haledon Police Department at 510 Belmont Avenue.  Feel free to reach out to Officer Zadeh regarding any questions, advice, and to receive an application.