On Friday, May 19th, MRHS welcomed Priyanka Taslim, author of The Love Match, (published by Saalam Reads, an imprint of Simon & Schuster) for a reading and book-signing in the Innovation Center. The Love Match is a YA romance set in the Bengali diaspora community of Paterson, New Jersey. Similar to the main character of the novel, Zahra, Ms. Taslim is Bengali-American and was born, raised, and continues to live in Passaic county. Ms. Taslim was kind enough to read from chapter three of her novel, offer insights about the process of being published, and answer questions about her own writing process for students. Ms. Dzuback, MRHS Media Specialist, would like to thank Mr. Bamford, Ms. Canvisser, Ms. Coimbra, Ms. Grape, Ms. Hedges, Ms. Hughes, and Ms. Nobile for allowing their classes to participate in the program. Thank you to Mr. Coviello, Mr. Ercolani, and Mrs. Ala for supporting the event, from ordering extra copies of books for students, to arranging the balloon arch. Thank you to the Board of Education for allowing this event to happen. It is always so meaningful when our students–musicians, writers, and artists–get to meet and talk to kind, successful, and creative people who live in our community.