Start Strong Assessments Start Tomorrow- 10/14

Good Morning, Student Falcons, 
This is a reminder that has been sent to your families.  Please make sure they have read the attached materials.  If they have any questions they can email [email protected].  The delayed opening schedule that follows testing starts at 9:30am and is attached as a reminder:
Good Morning, MRHS Parents/Guardians, The State of New Jersey is requiring students registered in English 9, English 10, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Geometry to take a new State test this fall call the Start Strong Assessments. All 9th and 12th graders will be tested in the area of science whether they are currently registered for a science class or not. Please read the attached letter that has all details related to this assessment. There will be delayed opening schedules on 10/14, 10/15, 10/18, and 10/19 for testing. Testing starts tomorrow.
John Coviello