Good Afternoon, Falcon Family,
Being that we cannot facilitate an open lunch with everyone involved, this year we will once again be acknowledging the hard work and dedication of our Administrative Assistants virtually and with individualized tokens of appreciation. At the building level, we honor Ms. Lisa Ferrante, Ms. Carol Santoro, Ms. Kim DeRosa, and Ms. Brenda Galletta for all that they do. When people wonder just how important these folks are they need to be reminded that behind every successful administrator is someone reminding her/him not to forget something. Behind every teacher is a friendly face checking to make sure that so many processes are carried out properly from approval processing of professional development to the coverage of classes. Furthermore, behind every student and family is someone who makes sure the right people become connected to solve problems and celebrate good news. Basically, these folks allow the rest of us to go about our day without thinking about just how much they connect all that we do in the school environment on top of an immeasurable number of tasks that support the complex work that we do in the Child Study Team, Attendance, Guidance, and Main Offices.
Thank you Administrative Assistants. We salute you today, and every day, for all that you do!
John Coviello