Good Morning, Student Falcons,
While we hope to one day return to school under typical circumstances we will be living with the reality of remote instruction for some time even if for part of the school week. Here are some important reminders as we continue to move forward into the second half of the first marking period.
Synchronous, remote learning is not only an extension of the school environment but also an opportunity to engage in education with a greater sense of normalcy that offers the opportunity for students and staff to re-establish a school community in preparation for in-person return to instruction.
Students are expected to:
- Arrive on time and stay for the duration of the scheduled class period
- Be present for class with camera activated
- Activate/deactivate microphone at the direction of the instructor
- Be properly dressed for school. If not in uniform, students should be fully clothed, any underwear should never be exposed, shirts should always have sleeves, and clothing should not display profane images or writing.
- Follow the Student Code of Conduct at all times.
- Not record live instruction or their peers at any time whether remote or in-person.
- Not disrupt the learning of others and/or the instructor while teaching the class.
- Be respectful when communicating verbally, with body language, and/or electronically.
- Submit all assignments by the due dates/times set by the instructor
- Only use their MRHS issued Chromebook
- Have their MRHS issued Chromebook fully charged and/or plugged in during each class period.