MRHS - PTSA has signed up to be part of the AmazonSmile program!

Just in time - today and Tomorrow are Amazon Prime Days!
We are super excited to announce that the Manchester Regional High School PTSA has signed up to be part of the AmazonSmile program.
What does this mean?
When you set your AmazonSmile charity setting to "18774 Manchester Reg High Sch PTA" and whenever you shop on Amazon, MRHS will get a small percentage back - with no added costs to you! 
You can use the below link to access our AmazonSmile account or you can go to your Amazon Settings in your account, activate AmazonSmile and choose the charity.
MRHS unique charity link:
When you shop with this link, you skip this charity selection process. You are Instead, they're taken to and are automatically asked if you want to support 18774 Manchester Reg High Sch PTA.
Please support the PTSA and join. We will be able to answer questions about this program and plan for more fundraisers.
Special thanks to Kristine Nashed, our Treasurer who was able to set up the AmazonSmile program on our behalf!
Next meeting, October 19th 7pm via Zoom.
Thanks and be well!